National APEX Day 2024
Help us celebrate our client's success today, on National APEX Accelerator Day!

What is National APEX Day?
Thise event celebrates the success of the tens of thousands of small businesses that have leveraged APEX Accelerators' training and technical assistance to successfully compete for and win federal, state, and local government contracts.

Our Program Has Grown!
We have welcomed 13 new counties into our program area, expanding our services and helping even more small businesses!

Want More Information?
For more information about National APEX Day, click the link below and join the conversation on social media at #APEXDAY2024.
Help Amplify Our Program
Make a post with the #APEXDAY2024 on LinkedIn, and tag our program, the Empire APEX Accelerator, so we can amplify your government contracting experiences.
You can also submit a testimonial of your experience working with us. We use these endorsements to help spread the word of our program to help more small businesses!